Singer, Songwriter, Wordsmith, Sculptor, Artisan ... Philosopher
Robin writes heartfelt songs with smiling babies, outlaws, blackbirds, annoying people, ethereal longing and so much more.
Best described as a social philosopher most of his songs have a story to tell about people, and their place in the world. His writing has been compared to the likes of Young, Cohen, Lightfoot and Dylan among others. A modest man, he sees himself as a conduit, delivering a gift and is reluctant to accept flattering comparisons. As Steven King has said about writing, all the stories are already out there, so, like an archeologist Robins job is to dig them up, revealing words and stories he wraps in melodies that linger, like familiar memories.
Robin’s passion for sculpting demonstrates a unique perspective on people and quirky observations on characters and the human condition.
Robins’ new album ‘WONDERIN’ is now on all platforms and is well worth a listen!